Saturday 27 June 2020


Many a times we would want a thread to execute some commands based on some conditions. For this we are going to use std:: condition_variable. This class methods such wait, notify which would either make a thread wait or notify other threads. That is exactly the functionality we would need.

To go into code, we would want to understand to basic methods in the class std::condition_variable. One is wait and the other is notify

void wait( std::unique_lock<std::mutex>& lock );
lock:an object of type std::unique_lock<std::mutex>, which must be locked by the current thread. Need not be locked till notify

template< class Predicate >
void wait( std::unique_lock<std::mutex>& lock, Predicate pred );
Pred: predicate which returns ​false if the waiting should be continued.

void notify_all() noexcept;
Unblocks all threads currently waiting for *this.

In the below code we want the main thread to print abcdef and the thread t1 to print 123456.
For this to happen, we want the main thread to start printing the alphabets and t1 to wait till the main completes its job. And we need some variable to tell that the main is done with this job, in this case we are using a bool alphadone.

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